Oz Billings
“Nobody said it would be easy”
A man that changed the face of policing in Sheffield is promising to bring a sense of order to the local housing market.
Oz Billings enjoyed an illustrious law enforcement career that started way back in 1984 when he joined the local force at Hammerton Road as a constable. He served in a number of uniformed and non-uniformed roles and took part in major operations to reduce violent crime and clamp down on illegal drug activity. He was promoted to sergeant in 1992. Oz Billings spent 21 years with South Yorkshire Police - when he left he was chief inspector of operations in Barnsley and he’d become a leading light in the Black Police Association.
But even though he rose even further through the ranks to become a Superintendent in Merseyside he had another burning passion in his life - property.
Michael Bell
Taking Down Barriers
Are you putting barriers up which are mentally limiting your own success? Come along and listen how to break them down.